Helping you TRUST what you don’t yet understand.
Learn how to harness the power of intuition as your most informative natural and biological signal.

Archaeology of Intuition

Excavate. Normalize. Revolutionize.


Intuitive Human is both a scientific and cultural arts focused Global Psychical Education & Research firm excavating and interpreting intuitive experiences for humanity across 18 different tracks of intuition. We believe there is a frequency (range) and somatic-signaling system that underlies each intuitive track and we are committed to finding them in the brain and body.  It is our goal to be able to identify target frequencies per intuitive track and to build intuition protocols to entrain the brain and body to respective intuitive pathway(s).

Every single day humans have radical intuitive experiences, beyond reason and logic. These profound life-altering events leave one feeling isolated and alone, naked and bare, in a deeply sacred way because of the belief shattering nature that accompanies such moments.The work we are committed to elevates unique direct learning and helps all walks of life fully integrate what just happened. Our message reinforces and encourages humanity to live their life more intuitively and closer to the bone.

Attuning to intuition is like tuning the human instrument to play the best song of your life.  Come play with us!


Neurotherapy & Neurostimulation

We provide cutting edge EEG, QEEG, neuromodulation and neurostimulation technologies (tACS, tRNS, tAPNS, pEMFs, & PBM) for brain balancing and regulation of under/over functioning brains.  

Intuition Brain Map©

We believe there is a frequency (range) and somatic-signaling system that underlies each of our 18  intuitive tracks and we are committed to finding them for the human experience. Learn more about how to participate in our Intuition Brain Map© research project.

Intuition Excavation

If you’ve had a highly impactful, view shifting intuitive experience that was indescribable, sacred, transcendent, and you don’t even have words for…let’s work together to excavate and understand it! 

Intuition Activator Program

We have a unique curriculum simplifying 18 tracks of intuition including: sensing energy, energy psychology, attunement to Self and other, all the way thru integration and how the body is signaling intuition when it is happening.

Keynote Speaker

Leave your audience feeling inspired, connected, vulnerable and wondering where they too can be shattered in their belief systems and built anew.

Documentary Interview (Film)

If you have a L.I.S.T.E.N. event occur in your life, we’d love to help you excavate it, capture it on film with our crew, with the possibility of including it in our Intuitive Human documentary and/or docu-series!


Full Episodes on Youtube

What They Have To Say

Are you ready to normalize intuitive experiences for humanity?

Read more about the Founder of Intuitive Human personal journey and what it has meant for her to become an Intuitive Human & Mentor.

Click below to schedule an interview.

Be Curious. Listen Deeper.

Listen to the whispers that matter.