What is Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (TACS)?

It is a form of electrical stimulation that uses two electrodes (a positive electrode called an anode and a negative electrode, the cathode) to pass current back and forth through either the brain or the body. These various modalities are used in customized and nuanced ways to aid our clients’ brain and body function.

It is called alternating current because the side which is giving and receiving electrons (anode and cathode) continuously switches.

What is Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Useful For?

Intuitive Human Neurotherapy uses the NeuroField Neurotherapy, Inc. equipment and methodology, which means we obtain a brain map (QEEG) before we apply stimulation. Reading the brian map shows us what frequencies the brain has in excess and what it is deficient in. We then apply the precise frequency which the brain is lacking in order to bring balance to our clients.

Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation allows us to choose exactly the rhythm of stimulation we apply. For example: if somebody had trouble sleeping and a deficiency in deep Delta brainwaves, we can apply a Delta rhythm in order to increase the power of this deep sleep frequency in their brain. After just one such treatment people often have a long restful night of sleep. After several weeks, intensive therapy can taper off, allowing the newly learned change to be cemented.

Not only is the frequency specifically targeted; the location is also precisely chosen. Based on the EEG brain map we carefully place electrodes on the sites that are deficient in the frequency we choose to apply.

Why is Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Effective?

By applying current we are encouraging neural synchronization. As electrons pass through the brain (from anode to cathode) the populations of neurons they go through become more likely to fire. This increased likelihood of firing is generalized to the entire area where current is applied. This can cause neurons which were formerly out of phase with each other to align. This happens not just during treatment, but is hypothesized to cause lasting changes to the brain. This is called Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity. Alpha frequency TACS has been shown to increase Alpha power 30 minutes after treatment, and increase coherence 24 hours later(1).

(1):https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2013.00161/full  DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00161.

Is Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation Right for me?

In order to know which frequency to give it is necessary to take measurements first. We do a brain map on all of our clients before we apply stimulation, and so would perform a QEEG before we used TACS.

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